Thursday, December 06, 2007

teaching wordpress !!!

Wordpress users .. can you tell me whether it is so complicated to use wordpress that anyone would be interested to fork out £400 to learn how to use it, as proposed by this course?

I know I am inadvertantly advertising them .. but seriously ... how many participants would they get!


Sreejith said...

400 pounds!!now thats a lot of weight!!

@nks said...


it is the next silliest thing to "Selling soul on Internet"...

Anonymous said...

No, things are not complicated with WP. There is an assumption on your part though - Ppl are smart.

There was this post by Nirnimesh where he explains this (his 30% ppl are stupid principle) elaborately. It applies here.

ps: Someone put up the link to that post here :-).

Anonymous said...

Learn wordpress 300 pounds only ...

Contact oBelIX -

Anonymous said...

good that you are shifting to wordpress... I am inferring that from the fact you are searching for wordpress usage :P

Anonymous said...

Learn wordpress 100 pounds only ...

Contact skp : skp(AT)

PS : We don't have any other branches

Anonymous said...

40 pounds!

Anonymous said...

hey learn wordpress for free :P contact me !!!

Though there is 400 pounds fee for the services !!!

Say the same but a bit smartly :P

Anonymous said...

host at and learn wordpress for free.

mythalez said...

@sreejith, yah it is .. 80 notes with that figureheads weigh quite a bit :P

@anks, it is less sillier than buying souls on the internet :P

@pkj, now where is that link !! :P

@kunal, no i am not shifting to wordpress .. this site was an advert in my gmail accnt (guess my mails had lot of blog mentions :-s)

@obelix, pati, karan, bordeaux, smr, tch tch you ppl have converted my blog into a yellow pages thing :P

Anonymous said...

Hi - I spotted the incoming link and, as the person offering the course, thought I should pipe up!

Obviously whether or not you want to pay £400 for a two day course is entirely up to you. WordPress isn't that difficult to the technically competent who have plenty of time to do their own research. The point of a course is to get you up to speed quickly and reliably, with materials, and a tutor on hand who can help if you're getting stuck. Attendees also tend to help each other.

If you're in a business and need to get up to speed quickly with WordPress for a paying website then such a course is worth the money because you'll be able to benefit from your site this week, rather than slowly over the next three months while you learn all the itty-bits.

Funny enough, although £400 for two days sounds like a lot, there's not much of a profit with a limited numbers course. There's a room to pay for, computers for the attendees, preparation, printing of materials and so on. If we were running the course continuously it could be cheaper because costs would be amortized. But we don't.

Now go compare what a professional two day course in MS Office will cost you. And there's more than one person in the UK offering those.... We're the only ones doing it. We also do one to one courses, which are far more expensive on a daily rate, but can be tailored to specific needs.

Anyway, that's my tuppence worth! I understand your point, but it's rather like a lot of things - if it's too expensive and poor value for one person it doesn't mean it's the same for someone else. And with this course you do get a chance to work with the UK's only Automattic (the WordPress 'owners') recognised WordPress consultants.

pavi said...

shall I tell you why !

wordpress is just not a simple blog site . It can be turned into a CMS . It has an extensive collection of templates and plugins.

you can make anything out of your wordpress ! .. a blog ? a website ? a poll? a domain ? a photo album? anything you like ... but if someone teaches you all that for 500 it's not that costly .
Hosting a blog for 500 pounds is not worth the money spent on it .
I can teach anyone for 2 pounds :)