Thursday, April 09, 2009

rant can't warrant

it is expected and normal to not have an idea what you want to do in the long term. ofcourse, this term 'long term' refers to like 10 years for some, 4 years for some others, and less than a year for people like me. but that is okay. what is disconcerting is when you can't even seem to be able to decide for next few weeks or so! well the blame can be put on the fact that among the two choices, one is more practical but not helpful, while the other might be helpful but not practical enough. so, in fact, there are no options. there are no pills. no blue pill, no red pill. what can you do in such a situation?

borrowing from the lexicon of a friend who used to blog often and chat very frequently, 'bwas' and 'bwas' are all that can be seen around sometimes. by the way, even that friend seldom blogs now and almost never chats. coming back to the point (yes, there is always a point or more to such abstracty posts :P), when no possible routes to resolution can be identified, it's not easy to believe that the end will be good and soon.

for other points, as mentioned above :P, it is nice to start watching a random movie on the television which is not even in english (but subtitled ofcourse) and find it thoughtful, entertaining and actually awesome! without passion, there is no pressure? and finally, if blogging is like open-to-everyone mail, is twitter like open-to-everyone instant messaging or chat?


skp said...

long term .... dont know man ...

the end will be gud ? .... dont know man ....

Jizz in my pants !!!

wtever dude wat-the-fk-ever !

obelix said...

totally true ...

i usually plan for one week. from saturday to saturday - or rather pizza day to pizza day :)

hellboy said...

CVITians r not allowed to plan ahead :p .. even if we plan, it doesnt go tht way :)) ..

Anonymous said...

planning ahead is a pain..

live in the moment.. and in case of confusing choices, pick chits :P

Argentyne said...

Oops. *Guilty as charged* Said friend got a job and doesn't have a life anymore. :(

mythalez said...

@skp, who cares abt the end anyway

@obelix, pizza is over-rated :P

@hellboy, cvitians seem to have only one plan .. stay there and stay there until you can't bear it anymore :P

@kunal, yes, spontaneity is an underused method

@argentyne, hmm lets just hope that soon the job will yield some time for life?