Monday, September 24, 2007


Today, I asked my Srilankan friend, "why does your country flag have a lion in it?"
He replied, "Dont know, maybe because the LTTE have a tiger as their symbol?"

Its true! Thats what he said. Though he later clarified that its rather the other way round, as obviously, Srilanka came into being first; before the tamil liberation movement.


Anonymous said...

ask your friend to take a history lesson again ..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Now on I m gonna mail u my comments on ur posts .... wtf is with blogger ... you click on the Post a Comment Shit and then the shit pops up and u add some shit in the shit box, and then finally you see ur shit as a
comment...blogger is so 2003ish...


Unknown said... there a continuation to this ??

Anonymous said...

u suck

mythalez said...

@kunal, lol .. you have strong views about this eh?

@asr, so what?

@skp, comments are to be commented :P

@prashant, there could be some day, if we continue the conversation

@thread, die :P

Jeannette Marsh Gaitonde said...

I guess its coz they're "Sinha-lese". Sinha = Simha = Lion. Therefore the Lion must be their national or sacred animal.