Thursday, September 27, 2007

'myth' for some, history for some

In the context of the Rama-Setu controversies,

I came to know that, in fact, Indonesians read about the story of Ramayana, stories about Krishna and Mahabharata as part of their history lessons :) Surprising eh?


Anonymous said...

i will spam u 2 death

Anonymous said...

now now they were our neighbours when we were in Pangaea :)

Anonymous said...

myth alez many people ...

Anonymous said...

rama is not a myth. rama even blogs!

Unknown said...

actually, its not !! knew it before..are you stumbling ??

Anonymous said...

Cool.. Had no clue about that one!

mythalez said...

@thread, wasnt I supposed to be extinct? so you will have to spam to infinity :P

@sreejith, now now? 250 million years ago is now now? :P

@kunal, glad you caught the allusion :)

@anonymous, but isnt the blog 'myth'ic? :P

@prashant, stumbling while walking? no! I see where I go :P stumbling as in the browsing? it is too addictive so I try to stay away :D

@karan, :D me neither

Anonymous said...

Is it surprising because you believe it to be only a myth? Western history books give credence to the life of Jesus. And our calendar measurement of time is in BC and AD. If a story is believed by enough people for a long time, it is considered "historical fact". If one accepts it as true, because it has been believed for a very long time, then, the Hindu stories have more than double the credence of Christian stories.
I have a much bigger issue over the lies that our current government postulates as true. Examples like 911, JFK assasination, the Waco incident, and the war on "terrorism", the illegal taxation of the American public, and fraudlent currency, to name a few.