something thats going on
where how why and when
I know not of these all
but I know it is all wrong
louder, louder it goes on
cries unheard, ears deafened
I close my eyes to see the dark
I seek the quiet to hear the song
tear the mask I always don
see through me at the real am
I am afraid, but I show it not
am alone, though people among
scared to open, I simply con
but you know me to see truth
I will never ask for it ever
but you better help me along
Infinite Country by Patricia Engel | Thoughts
*Published*: 2021 || *Format*: print || *Location*: Colombia
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What was it about the country that kept everyone hostage to its fa...
2 years ago
I was going to write a comment expressing my disappointment over this not being an inventive ironic pun-type post on the facade design pattern but then realized that made me look to geeky which led to this
no one else commented yet? surprising ...
I was not here !!
and screw blogspot captchas.
wtf?? dont understand anything :((
Probably called realization! ;)
aren't we all a little of that... too scared to rebel and too afraid to open up.... too aware of our weaknesses and so unaware of its pointlessness :)
@obelix, facade design pattern wat!! dude .. t0 wat depths have u fallen ! :P
@skp, :P
@paccha, obviously, threads do not have enough processing capabilities :P
@persephone, probably :P
@sreejith, ahem .. now thats insightful :P
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