There come times, when you are not really sure how you feel. You can't decide whether you are joyous or sorrowful, cool or frustrated, hopeless or enthusiastic. Worse is that you cannot even decide how you are supposed to feel. You can't figure out whether you are supposed to be happy or angry. An even funnier situation is when you think you are supposed to feel angry or frustrated, sad and so on, but you don't. You find yourself too numb for any strong emotion. You are just too stoic even for your own comfort. Thats when it strikes you that there must be something somewhere wrong with you.
They say I should be angry
They assume I will be
books, people, the psychologists
'but I dont care', say me
hollow mind, empty body
hold no emotion, shoddy
might I force the feeling on myself
yet find myself disembody
it's just that nothing matters!
Infinite Country by Patricia Engel | Thoughts
*Published*: 2021 || *Format*: print || *Location*: Colombia
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What was it about the country that kept everyone hostage to its fa...
2 years ago
You can't figure out whether you are supposed to be happy or angry. An even funnier situation is when you think you are supposed to feel angry or frustrated
at least you find one emotion - that it is funny, keep hold of that only... rest would follow...
The best thing to do during such a situation is to catch up with a laugh riot :)
Can't suggest any solutions for such thing but completely understand what the feeling is.. People may be so different but when it comes to emotions and that too so complex ones like these.. You can always find the thread of same thing running inside another entirely different person..
The magic of emotions
@kunal, its always funny ;)
@karan, or blog? :P
@himank, true true .. after all, all the different kinds people are made up of the same kind of basic consciousness ;)
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