Sunday, June 08, 2008

the BLAH is here !!

My friend, the corrupted Database (unofficially known as srujan in some cliques), also nicknamed 'the original spurious tuple generator', recently suggested to me that i should start a 'blah' cult. The idea immediately caught my fancy. Of course, after our recent revelations (link), the wider world certainly needs be informed of the 'blah philosophy'. However, the main hurdle for spreading this way of thinking is that unlike the major religions that need tomes to state their ideas, this philosophy is quite pithy. In fact, as we know, all its philosophy is contained in one simple sentence: "everything in the universe is just blah".

Yes, yes, I know that there is one minor niggling drawback. The blah philosophy only talks about the universe but not beyond it. But then, in reality, it does encompass all that there is. It is the fault of the language that it has not been able to come up with a word to describe the things beyond the universe. Whatever they might be, they still adhere to being 'blah'.

Doubters might ask, if everything is so clear, will the preachers and followers of the philosophy have any work at all? They do .. of course they do. Every person accepting, refuting or ignoring the philosophy has to come up with his/her own interpretation of 'blah'. Therein lies the primary beauty of the cult. Though, all its members follow the blah philosophy, everyone follows an unique blah, one that is specific to him/her alone. Thus, our cult differs from the other cults and religions in the world, especially in its flexibility and 'customisability' :).

So, followers of blah, unite and spread the glory of the word, across the universe and beyond! And the word is "BLAH" !!


BullzY said...


such long captchas are blah!

Anonymous said...

blah - monday mornings are so blah

@nks said...


+1 frm my side ...

Anonymous said...

Make that +2 :D

Unknown said...

dude, matrix is not blah man! and v r still inside it! omg! its so not a blah.... aaaargh!

Anonymous said...

Dude, your writing style here reminded me of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.. :)
all blah, and still fun! :D

Anonymous said...

subscribing to Blahism.

Anonymous said...

To start ur blah cult ,

first change " Yet another blogger " to " Yet anothe BLAHgger "

and then blahbber ur blah ..


Anonymous said...

So ..

all bloggers are followers of blah cult ??


Anonymous said...

bull blah dude ! bull blah!

Anonymous said...

bah! so much blah blah in 1 post. gosh!

mythalez said...

@all followers of blah :-

"blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah !!"

Unknown said...


The universe is indeed blah, it just changes from one blah to another