blitzing through random things; anticipating, but not holding onto anything in particular; trying to push some away; trying to grasp the important and immediately pertinent ones; pushing things forward; pegged back by unknown but strong forces; vacuuming; getting sucked into fuzziness; sorting through; deleting; archiving; ignoring; restive; silence!
clear sky, streams of sunlight, bright fresh cold air, reboot to reality.
Infinite Country by Patricia Engel | Thoughts
*Published*: 2021 || *Format*: print || *Location*: Colombia
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What was it about the country that kept everyone hostage to its fa...
2 years ago
@ rama:
What is this ?
A sink post ?
Clear winter mornings. They always fill me with words too :)
Thanks for ur 2 cents on bloody life !!
rebooting to reality is like going back to the first para :P
@ghost-runner, sink post?? it's more like a 'source' post :P
@persephone, indeed.
@pati, 2 pennies is more like it, we don't use cents around here :P
@vandana, lol, shutdown then? :D
@paccha, :P
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