Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Last post from room 14@Obh

Nope, this is certainly not a post that would attempt to describe my nonexistant nostalgic feelings.
Exactly 5 months earlier, I wrote this post on things to be done before leaving IIIT. Its time now to evaluate the performance. There were 16 tasks of which 11 were already accomplished by then. So I had the 5 remaining tasks for these 5 months. And I scored 2/5. Yeah way below par. What were the three tough tasks? The only foreign language word that I have been able to learn is 'merci'. So that doesnt count. Never had the occasion or the physique to get into a fight. Had many many ideas on drawing the attention of disco, made a small attempt too but fortunately or unfortunately it didnt work out at all. The easiest sure shot method had too many unfriendly repercussions for me to try :D. So thats that about that.

Why is it that the cable goes poof just seconds before a ronaldinho free kick??
Where has the frog jumping around in the wing just outside my room disappeared to :-?
Why is the coffee shop called 'coffee shop' when jersey, sprite etc loudly proclaim their presence and loads of other things are also available??
Why is every mess in IIIT decent enough in the month of september, bearable in december and horrible in march??
How come that the day when finally the AC in our ug4 lab started working after being a decorative piece on the wall for the whole year, they announce the closure of labs citing the (mis)usage of electricity?
Why is that when a critical post slamming the usage of PS in blogs has created a furore that my post seems to be having them (though not having been marked so).
Why is it that despite having thousands of songs in the pc, i am listening to the same 6 songs since the last 3 days?
Why is it that 'blogspot' absolutely refuses to make itself better??
Why is that despite it becoming obsolete, I continue to persist with blogspot???
Finally, when is the akela musaphir going to narrate his sad memorable incident????


Anonymous said...

@ Rama :
allo allo :D oh boy!If u wanted to get physically ready for a fight(with some arbid fella) I wud have coached u for free ;)

Argentyne said...

so that was a date? :D

Anonymous said...

hi rama,
we miss u too. bid u adieu.
All the best for u r future

Anonymous said...

rama gets an A in d date course

The optimist from utopia said...

You and me.. OUTSIDE!!
One week from now.. Lets see whos better.. or worse.
What say? :->

And completely agree with the ronaldinho kick blackout and the over-hyped, excess PS post.

Sreejith said...

it is human nature to question but making a "why's why of everything" is too much!

mythalez said...

@abbulugadu, wud certainly accept your offer the next time I need it.

@coolcat, wud u disagree?? :P

@kiran d, thanks for the wishes and hope the best for u too

mythalez said...

@anon, r u who i think u r?? btw thanks for the grade

@optmimist, nah, i prefer to fight someone my own size :P

@sreejith, 'too much' .. wasnt that the whole point? :D

Argentyne said...

you tell me :P

the-think said...

how is blogspot obsolete?

ps: and frogs go in search of, ponds... so that's where your frog's gone

mythalez said...

@coolcat, its ur call :P

@persephone, blogspot has not kept the pace with others as wordpress ..
and hope that the frog is having a happily-ever-after life :D