Monday, November 12, 2007


frozen. stolen. ephemeral paradise.

retreat. quashing gently, unnoticeable. unaffected.

treasure, yet trivialise. enclosed eternally.

fake. brush-off. shrug, sigh. wonder, incompletely.

smile with a raised eyebrow.


Anonymous said...

sometimes someone writes
something with words
that are used so
unusually together
that someone wonders
what ugly ulbamtam
has usurped the
unique creativity that
lent itself to
write with such
carefree abandon
that the reader
would be so glad
for reading it

Argentyne said...


Anonymous said...

frozen stares and stolen glances result in ephemeral paradise? and so on for the rest...btw verbiage rhymes with garbage?

Anonymous said...

I did not understand anything :(

Anonymous said...

wth were u smoking wen u wrote this??

Anonymous said...

frozen. stolen. ephemeral paradise.
> are you describing your place here?
retreat. quashing gently, unnoticeable. unaffected.

treasure, yet trivialise. enclosed eternally.

fake. brush-off. shrug, sigh. wonder, incompletely.
> wonder, incompletely??

smile with a raised eyebrow.
> Will it be a smile still?

Whats with the full-stops now?
Another experiment, like way you used 'And yeah' instead of PS?
What? Why? Can I use question marks like this too??

anyway, want a new post as a penalty.

the-think said...

hey, was someone looking for me?

mythalez said...

@obelix, err .. so u liked it? :P

@argentyne, well .. its abstract you know .. open to interpretations ..

@sreejith, I get your insinuation!! < looking flabbergasted > :P

@kunal, what are the feelings, images that come to your mind? thats all you need to understand :) .. to each his own understanding ...

@paccha, :P

@asr, nope not a place ... a smile is always a smile .. yah maybe it was an experiment .. but the reason for writing has nothing to do with form ... and yah a new post has come up

@persephone, :) perhaps :P